Leadership & Management Development
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UGM Leadership Programs
choose our virtual live workshoP format for hybrid workplaces

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what are clients looking for?
Criteria Our Clients Value
If you’ve had responsibility and accountability for running leadership development in your organisation you’ll be well aware that not all offerings are equal!
…much leadership training and development has become too much a form of lay preaching, telling people inspiring stories about heroic leaders and exceptional organizations and, in the process, making those who hear the stories feel good and temporarily uplifted while not changing much of what happens at many workplaces.
Here’s what clients value in UGM leadership programs
it works!
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
choose our virtual live workshop format for hybrid workplaces

Getting to the C-Suite
This program is suited to:
Program Benefits
The 6 highly interactive modules
Leading Strategically
Understand what strategy is and how to be more strategic. Examine the six essential skills of strategic leaders and get practical strategic tools that you can apply immediately.
Leading Collaboratively
Consider the impact of fast-changing contexts for collaborative decision making. Get tools to power-up problem solving talk, with a special focus on disagreement.
Leading Change
Recognise why change agility is a preferred alternative to traditional approaches. Consider how to use an experimental approach to change in your own organisational context.
Leading Effectively
Clarify the important differences between leading and managing, and how to build inclusive cultures. Focus briefly on ethical behaviour and the vital role of influence.
Leading Purposefully
Identify what you truly want to achieve personally and professionally. Access the most up-to-date research on goal setting success and apply it for yourself and with colleagues.
C-Suite Challenge
Consolidate your learning in an interactive senior management simulation. Use frameworks and tools to analyse the case and develop and present recommendations.

Steps to Career Success
This program is suited to:
Program Benefits
The 8 highly interactive modules
Create a vision for yourself
Learn to identify your ‘next step’ career goal that reflects your personal purpose, values and what truly matters to you.
Speak up and get heard in meetings
Develop key skills to speak up and collaborate in regular problem-solving conversations. Create a positive impression each time you speak..
Present Persausively
Learn to be more persuasive through a sound argument structure, and apply this to a current challenge you face.
Influence up
Learn to identify and effectively influence key stakeholders who can support your career development. Learn how to influence your boss, including how to manage a difficult boss.
Ramp up team performance
Learn tools to improve team performance – as a team member or a team leader. Ensure alignment and improve collaboration.
Manage energy, not time
Understand the importance of wellbeing at work and develop a personal wellbeing plan. You can’t make more time but you can create more energy.
Build your business network
Understand network success and learn how to strengthen your network. Identify strengths and tackle gaps in your current network.
Set and achieve goals
Learn how to set successful goals using neuroscience insights. Turn your intentions into a dynamic action plan and build useful new habits.

Women in Leadership
These programs are suited to:
Program Benefits
Programs / modules available
Steps to Career Success
Fresh ideas and proven tools that can be adapted for use at all levels to turbo charge your career and help you create the career you want.
Inclusive Leadership
A leadership program that focuses on behaviours, skills and mindsets that build inclusive organisations and teams, where people want to contribute and belong.
Getting to the C-Suite
A practical, results orientated leadership program for senior managers and executives, using leading-edge research and proven framework/tools.
Custom Modules
Create a leadership /management program, or one-off modules focusing on a particular identified need, that fits with the unique context of your business.
Inclusive Leadership Module
This module is suited to:
Module Benefits
Indicative mini-modules (interactive)
Opportunities to contribute
Explore what the culture, values and practices your organisation state (expressly or implicitly) about inclusion (and exclusion).
Contributing and belonging
Use UGM’s powerful contributing-belonging model to recognise the fundamental outcomes that individuals and businesses seek.
Make meetings more inclusive
Learn tools and techniques that will make your meetings (from one-on-one to full ‘team’) more inclusive and more productive.
Disagree without being disagreeable
Harness the great business value offered by disagreement, without being disagreeable, using specific behaviours, skills and techniques.