Uncategorised Video on – assessment Updated on14 December 2020 Welcome to your How well do your virtual meetings stack up?To what extent does your team use the ‘video-on’ function to support inclusion?Score 1 for ‘Never’ through to 5 for ‘Always’ We never all use video on We rarely all use video on We sometimes all use video on We mostly all use video on We always use video on None None How would you rate the quality of team members’ video and audio connections? Most meetings are plagued by poor audio/video Video can be patchy, but audio is generally okay for most meetings Most meetings have acceptable audio/video – we have some hitches now and again Most meetings have very good audio/video connections Almost all meetings have great video/audio connections None To what extent do your meetings have a clearly stated purpose which is shared ahead? The purpose of meetings is never expressly identified The purpose of meetings is seldom expressly identified The purpose of meetings is sometimes expressly identified The purpose of meetings is mostly expressly identified The purpose of meetings is always expressly identified None How would you rate the level of involvement and contribution in team meetings? One or two people dominate meetings and at least some of the participants don’t engage time after time There is a basic level of engagement but often not a whole lot of contribution While some seem engaged and willing to contribute, the response is quite patchy Most people feel able to contribute in meetings and engagement is pretty high Everyone feel welcome to contribute and people are highly engaged None To what extent do your team meetings promote a sense of belonging and connection? Meetings tend to alienate people – belonging and connection seems diminished after meetings Meetings are not particularly liked – they seldom generate any sense of belonging or connection Belonging and connection varies quite a lot meeting to meeting – some meetings are a lot better than others Most people feel a good sense of belonging and connection, but not always Belonging and connection are strong – people feel their contributions are valued None To what extent do your meetings have a clearly stated purpose which is shared ahead? The purpose of meetings is never expressly identified The purpose of meetings is seldom expressly identified The purpose of meetings is sometimes expressly identified The purpose of meetings is mostly expressly identified The purpose of meetings is always expressly identified None Time’s up